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To pick a dress...but then what about the Hairstylist?

When I was getting married, all I could DREAM about was that dress. I swear I drew it in my mind a thousand times. But then the hairstylist? When I was getting married, I just so happened to be set because one of my best friends from 3rd grade was the hair queen of California {An entire separate blog topic}, and she was coming with me regardless. If you're in the Nashville area and frankly really anywhere and you need someone who just gets you right off the bat, whether it's braids, blonde or badd-assery, its Sarah Crews

Sarah is a multi talented Hair guru as well as a business owner and wedding industry expert for the past 20+ years. I am here to share a little bit about both in hopes to enlighten and inspire you. Working with one of the highest rated salons in the greater Nashville area, Studio Gavin in Franklin, TN as well as an educator with Kerastase - she has accumulated unparalleled knowledge of both the industry as well as expertise in hair & beauty. Enjoy learning about Sarah in our interview below.

How old were you when you knew you wanted to be in the beauty industry ?

Since I was a little girl, I was constantly playing with hair. I distinctly remember a green brush my Grandma let me play with as I would play with my baby dolls. I was 19 when I started beauty school.

Did you ever have that moment during the pursuit of an art, you felt defeated?

"Yes, during beauty college I had a friend (at the time) challenge me and her words were, "I could totally tell you were not the person that might do this long term." - Although it was hurtful, it spurred me to prove her wrong."

I think the best part about hurtful commentators is just that.. they quickly tend to burn that fire deep in you into a flame and you always tend to remember them when you succeed.

How long have you been with Studio Gavin and Kerastase?

"I have been with Studio Gavin over 9 years now, ever since I moved to Nashville from Kentucky. I started working with Kerastase about 5 years ago. I knew I wanted to continue to grow as a stylist, so I pursued that and it has been a great asset to my expertise."

Do you feel being an educator has changed you?

"Yes it has given me a richer approach and allowed me to relate and communicate to people and their ideas. It has also been a great virtue when it comes to consulting, engaging with clients and communicating."

How long have you been a "braid guru"?

"I started inventing braids from the beginning of doing hair and it has evolved so much over time."

Tell me about balancing in order to stay fulfilled?

"I started trying to pursue different avenues of income. I became a share holder, educator and it has all around helped keep me inspired."

Tell me more about Black Tie + Blush?

"Black Tie and blush launched in 2018. I really enjoy wedding styling and wanted to start something based on my passion and interests that could help others. I love helping other stylists and artist in the Nashville area so naturally it has been a great way to bring talent together and connect brides with artists."

Tell me about your love?

"He's just the best - completely understands and supports me. He is in the music business and has gone through all the different avenues as well from management to now teaching at Dark Horse Studios. He appreciates the arts and of course the beauty industry."

Lastly, words of wisdom for someone who might be in a rut or having a hard time with how Covid 19 has effected the industry?

"There is so much more that can be experienced. Other avenues to go down. take your "secret sauce" to create something different - find something you're excited about that makes you different than anyone else and lead with that - you will eventually attract the right clientele and guide yourself down the right avenue for success."



@2020 Kimberlee Brooke, LLC 

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